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Barnwood Park School

Ofsted Information

Here at Barnwood Park students and staff work very hard together to make our school an even better place to learn, and these changes have been consistently recognised in our Ofsted reports. After a lot of hard work from staff and students and a lot of support from parents we are once again an Ofsted recognised GOOD school in July 2019.

To view our latest July 2019 Ofsted report please click the following link: Ofsted report July 2019

The Ofsted report in July 2019 graded Barnwood Park ‘Good’ in all areas. It said:

The school is a welcoming and inclusive environment. The core values underpin the work of the school. Pupils speak highly of what staff do to promote their personal and social development, particularly their emotional well- being.

Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural education is a strength of the school. Pupils speak eloquently about how they reflect on moral issues and understand how to be thoughtful and active citizens.

Leaders and governors have worked with resolve and integrity to improve the standard of education the school provides and are well placed to move forward with confidence.

In 2018, the progress that pupils made by the end of Year 11 was significantly above the national average. This is due to leaders’ honest reflection and well-directed actions.

The advice that pupils receive to support their next steps is comprehensive and well planned.

Behaviour, both in lessons and around the site, is positive and pupils feel safe.

Pupils say that they feel safe and have been taught how to keep safe, including when online. The three guiding principles of ‘Live without harming others’, ‘Do acts of kindness’ and ‘Show respect for others’ are demonstrated by pupils in their interactions, their sense of community and in their outlook.

To view our June 2014 Ofsted report please click the link: Ofsted report June 2014

We are still working hard to make these vital changes to ensure your child's future here at Barnwood Park. We will keep you updated with any new reports.

Click here to have your say on the official Ofsted website. How do you rate Barnwood?