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Barnwood Park School

Employer Area

We need local businesses:

At Barnwood Park we are busy growing your employees of the future and we need your help to raise their career aspirations, learn more about the exciting industries in Gloucestershire and develop their employability skills.

Having employers like you helping to inspire our students will transform their learning journey by making it relevant to industry and the job market. You are a cornerstone of our careers programme and help us to achieve our goals as set out by the Gatsby Foundation’s Eight Benchmarks.

Ways to support:

  • Be part of our ’mock interviews’ with Year 11 students and help them structure their CVs
  • Get involved in extracurricular clubs and activities - D of E Awards, Forest school
  • Give an inspiring talk based on your industry or job role – this could either be in person or pre-recorded
  • Provide a coaching/mentoring service through a structured programme – we would sponsor your DBS application
  • Run a hands-on workshop with activities relating to your area of expertise
  • Be part of our discussions about pathways after school, e.g. apprenticeships
  • Help champion specific issues and challenge barriers in the workplace around gender stereotyping, disability etc
  • Help bring a subject lesson to life by linking it to your industry
  • Offer a work experience placement for students at your business premises. Our next work experience week 30th June – 4th July 2025.
  • Become an ambassador supporting employment routes for young people with special educational needs and disabilities and offer a work experience placement that is co-supported by the school
  • Provide a Supported Internship opportunity

By getting involved you will not only be supporting future workforce development and helping to broaden the minds of the young people but you will also be developing new skills for your staff, forging community links and building a positive profile for your company.

If you can help:

We will support you throughout your visit. Please speak to our Careers Lead, Miss C Dallimore.

Telephone: 01452 530389

She will be your main point of contact for enquiries and will provide you with details of arrangements including parking, facilities and our safeguarding policy. The school will make a suitable space available for discussions between students, as appropriate to the activity. The school will also make available ICT and other specialist equipment to support presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Lead or a member of the team.

Employers are welcome to leave a copy of any promotional material with the Careers Leader to be displayed around the school and shared with students.