Exams Information
Year 11 exams
Year 11 PPE Timetable March 2025
Click here for the GCSE Exam timetable 2025
Important information
Barnwood Park School conducts examinations in line with The Joint Council for Qualifications regulations and as such it is important that all candidates are familiar with the JCQ notices as outlines below:
- Information to Candidates for written examinations
- Information to Candidates - coursework assessments
- Information to Candidates - on-screen tests
- Information for candidates- non-examination assessments
- Information to Candidates - Privacy Notice
- Information for Candidates using social media and examinations/assessments
- Prohibited Items poster
- Warning to candidates
All examinations will take place in the SPORTS HALL unless otherwise notified. Students will be advised by the exams officer which room they have been allocated on the morning of the exam.
AQA Student Exam Malpractice Poster
Click here for subject specification and exam board information
Start times
Morning examinations start at 9:15am. Candidates should register with form tutors and will then be escorted to the canteen for exam registration.
Afternoon examinations start at 2:15pm. Candidates should report to the canteen.
Some afternoon exams may not finish until after normal school time, so please make appropriate arrangements to get home.
Students who are unwell and cannot attend an examination should telephone the school on 01452 530389 and leave a message with details of the absence for Mrs Swain, Exams Officer. A doctor’s note will be required for any applications for exam board’s consideration. Any missed examination without a doctor’s note will result in a £25.00 fine.
What happens if I am late for my GCSE Exams?
All late candidates must report to the main reception area and must NOT enter the exam room without a member of staff present.
If you arrive after the exam has finished.
If you arrive after the scheduled finishing time, you will not be able to take the exam. You will be marked as absent.
If you arrive after the start of the exam.
If you arrive up to ½ way through the published starting time you may be allowed into the exam room and providing the school is able to arrange adequate supervision arrangements you will be allowed the full time of the exam. Otherwise the remainder of the published exam time will be allowed.
If you arrive more than ½ way through published starting time you may be allowed into the exam room and the remainder of the time allowed. You will be informed that the script will be sent to the exam board but the awarding board has the right not to accept the script.
For any candidates who have timetable CLASHES they will be given a separate letter with more detailed information. If you still have any concerns then please do not hesitate to contact the exams office for further guidance. Any changes to the exam timetables already issued will be reprinted and issued to students.
Reminder to all students:
Study your exam timetable carefully and note the dates and times of all your examinations (am or pm?)
Correct uniform must be worn throughout the exam session.
Ensure you have the necessary equipment, black pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, pencil sharpener, calculator, protractor, compass (if permitted)
Only transparent pencil cases will be allowed into the exam room.
Transparent bottles containing water are permitted for hydration purposes. No cans / fizzy drinks allowed.
Personal belongings will not be permitted in the Exam Rooms. All belongings will be kept outside the room. We therefore suggest that any valuable items remain at home on the day of the exam.
MOBILE PHONES / MP3 PLAYERS / OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES / WATCHES need to remain at home or given to an invigilator for safe keeping during the exam. Exam Boards and Barnwood Park take a breach of this ruling extremely seriously. Possession of unauthorised material is an infringement of the regulations and could result in DISQUALIFICATION from the current examination and the overall qualification.
Students will be called into each exam. A card with each individual candidate number / centre number / candidate name will be placed on each desk.
Good behaviour and co-operation with Invigilators is essential prior to entering the exam, during the exam and after the exam has ended when students are dismissed in an orderly manner. Please help us to help you. Any misdemeanours reported to the Exams Manager could lead to your exam results being withdrawn.
Students should help themselves by thorough preparation, revision and by attention to the guidelines given in this letter.